Branding your Web Hosting Control Panel Demo

Since our hosting Control Panel is one of your best sales argument, you should display a link to the control panel Demo. There is a unique link to your branded control panel, where your logotype and your custom settings will be shown. That link is http://[storename]
Replace [storename] with your Store Name (you can see your store name in your reseller control panel under My Store > Manage Store Settings).

You can white label your demo link by purchasing a Private Label DNS package, starting at 20 USD per year. That will give you demo link looking like this: Such a package will also give you private branded DNS addresses and branded links to webmail and Control Panel login. Read more about the Private DNS Cluster here »

1. Use your unique Demo link

Note that your WordPress hosting shop does not display your unique Demo link by default. You need to add the link to your branded Control Panel manually wherever you see fit. You could use a WordPress plugin that automatically rewrites outgoing links, and set it to rewrite



Such a plugin is the Link Mask Generator, included in the SEO Ultimate plugin. But note that there are other links to the Demo that links to specific functions, such as this direct link to the Domain Manager.

2. Set your Default Store Domain

Don’t forget to set your Default Store Domain. Your Control Panel Demo will show links to your shop, for example, the Visit Store link in the header of your control panel. If you do not set your Default Store Domain, this link will point to http://[storename], which you definitely do not want to show.

You set your Default Store Domain under My Store > Manage Store Settings.

3. Change the Custom Whois Info

Make sure to also change the Custom Whois Info (same place as above) which will be displayed in the Whois details of domains registered through your store.

4. Upload your logo for the Control Panel

Upload your logotype under My Store > Control Panel Branding. There you can also set a default theme with a color scheme that fits your logo and makes it more recognizable as your own hosting Control Panel.

Good luck!

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